Purpose:To disseminate current news and information about pro-life issues, especially in Arizona.
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News Release:
Federal Judge overturns Arizona's parental consent law:
April 7, 1998
The law struck down by Judge Marquez has crushed the rights of parents to protect their children. The law, supported by 82% of Arizonans, was passed overwhelmingly by state legislators, including some who consider themselves "pro-choice". The law required abortion providers, including Planned Parenthood, to obtain the consent of a parent or guardian before performing an abortion on a minor. The law would allow a minor to by-pass this requirement by getting a judge to approve of the abortion; it also allowed an expedited appeal process. The Arizona law was consistent with laws in other states that have survived court scrutiny.
Judge Marquez ignored Suprem Court case law supporting parental notification laws; his actions ignore previously upheld parental consent laws.
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeal will review the ruling; we are hopeful the ruling will be overturned. If necessary, the Supreme Court will be asked to uphold the law, and abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood will no longer be able to exploit minor women by leading them into an abortion decision carried out behind their parent's back.
Planned Parenthood's rush to overturn the law undermines its credibility when its officials try to tell the public that they support parent involvement.
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